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What are the formulas for calculating Clockwise and anti-clockwise moments?

When the body is moved in clockwise direction because of the effect of force, then it is called as clockwise moment.

When the body is moved in anti-clockwise direction because of the effect of force, then it is called anti-clockwise moment.

    Formulas for calculating Clockwise and anti-clockwise moments

Therefore the formula for calculating Clockwise moments is given as,
Clockwise moment = m2× d2

Therefore the formula for calculating anti-clockwise moments is given as,
Anti-clockwise moment = m1× d1

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What is the formula for Moment of a force?

Consider a freely rotating body which is fixed at a point.

Formula for Moment of a force

Consider a force F acting on a body. This force will rotate the body about the fixed point, as long as the line of action of the force passes through O which is a fixed point. This rotating tendency or the turning effect of the force about that point is called moment of force. In other words, the turning effect of the force acting on a body about an axis or point is called moment of force. We can also say that Moment of force is equal to the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of the force from the axis of rotation.

Therefore the formula for moment of force is given as,

Moment of force about the point O = Force × perpendicular distance of the force from the Point O

Moment of force about the point O = F × ON

The unit of moment of force is N m and the dimensional formula is ML2T2

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What is the Resolution of a vector into two perpendicular components?

Resolution of a vector is the process of splitting up a vector (force) into two perpendicular component parts. They are called rectangular components because the two component forces are mutually perpendicular.
Resolution of a vector into two perpendicular components

At an angle θ with x axis, the force R acts at a point O. R can be resolved into two rectangular components along x and y axis. Two perpendicular lines CQ and CP are drawn to x and y axis. In the right angled triangle OQC,

Cos θ = OQ / OC

OQ = OC Cos θ

we know that  OC = R

OQ= R Cos θ

Therefore the horizontal component of the force R is R cosƟ.

In the right angled triangle OPC,

Cos (90-Ɵ) = OP / OC

SinƟ = OP / OC ——– Cos (90-Ɵ) = SinƟ

OP = OC SinƟ

we know that  OC = R

OP = R SinƟ

The vertical component of the force R is R sinƟ

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What is the Law of parallelogram of two vector additions?

If two vectors are represented by two adjacent sides of parallelogram then diagonal of parallelogram through their common point will give the resultant of that vector in magnitude and direction.

Law of parallelogram of two vector additions

Angle between vector tan α = Q Sin Ɵ / P + Q Cos Ɵ

If two vector are in same direction Ɵ = 0
R = P + Q

If two vectors are opposite to each other Ɵ = 1800
R = P – Q

If two vectors are right angle to each otherƟ = 900
R =  law of parallelogram

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What are the formulas for magnitude for vectors in 2D and 3D plane?

A vector with a unit magnitude is a unit vector. The physical quantities which are described by its magnitude and direction are vector quantities.

Formula for Magnitude of vector A in 2D plane =Formula for Magnitude of vector A in 2D plane

Formula for Magnitude of vector A in 3D plane = Formula for Magnitude of vector A in 3D plane

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