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What is Dimensional Formula of Surface Potential?

Surface Potential  is defined as work done per unit mass.

Surface Potential = Work / Mass

Dimensional Formula of Work= M1L2T-2
Dimensional Formula of Mass= M1L0T0

Putting this value in the above equation we get,

Dimensional Formula of Surface Potential= M0L2T-2
SI unit of Surface Potential is m2s-2.

What is Dimensional Formula of Refractive Index?

Refractive Index is defined as the relative speed at which light moves through a material with respect to its speed  in vacuum.

Refractive Index (n) = speed of light in a vacuum (c) /speed of light in a medium (v)

As both the values belong to same  quantity (speed), units gets nullified. So Refractive Index is dimensionless quantity.

Dimensional Formula of Refractive Index= M0L0T0.
Refractive Index is dimensionless quantity.

What is Dimensional Formula of Specific volume?

Specific volume is defined as volume per unit mass of fluid. Specific volume is reciprocal of mass density.

Specific volume = volume of fluid / mass of fluid.

Dimensional formula of volume = M0L3T0
Dimensional formula of mass = M1L0T0

Putting this value in the above equation we get,

Dimensional Formula of Specific volume= M-1L3T0.
SI unit of Specific volume  is m3/kg .

What is Dimensional Formula of Kinetic Energy?

Kinetic energy can be defined as the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its motion.

Kinetic energy (K.E) = 1/2 [Mass (m) X Velocity (v)2]

Dimensional formula of  Mass = M1L0T0
Dimensional formula of velocity= M0L1T-1

Putting the values in the above equation we get,

Dimensional formula of Kinetic energy (K.E) = M1L0T0 X ( M0L1T-1)2

Dimensional formula of Kinetic energy (K.E) = M1L0T0 X M0L2T-2

Dimensional Formula of Kinetic energy= M1L2T-2.
SI unit of Kinetic energy is Joule (J).

Note : In the above equation ½  is a constant and  constants do not affect the dimensional formula of any quantity.

What is Dimensional Formula of Potential Energy?

Potential energy can be defined as the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its configuration or position.

Potential energy (PE) = Mass(M) X Gravitational acceleration (g) X Altitude (h).

Dimensional formula of  Mass = M1L0T0
Dimensional formula of gravitational acceleration= M0L1T-2
Dimensional formula of altitude= M0L1T0

Putting this value in the above equation we get,

Dimensional Formula of Potential energy= M1L2T-2.

SI unit of Potential energy is Joule (J).